m-Power: BuildingServices


At the centre of m-Power BuildingServices is the m-Power Project Database. The database creates and stores an audit trail of all instructions and information flow.

The m-power Project Database will allow you to control who receives what information, to ensure that the right instructions get to the right people.

As the m-Power Project Database is a web interface, it means that anyone on the management or project team can access the database from any PC or laptop through a secure password and login.

Whatever the size of your organisation, m-Power will work with you to tailor a solution to fit your budget and operational needs, and then fully manage the implementation and provide peace of mind with full ongoing support.

The m-Power BuildingServices solution is available in either our full Enterprise version, or on our hosted ASP platform, if you just want to get on with the job and not have to worry about I.T.

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